Friday, June 5, 2009

1st Birth Center Tour

Last Tuesday we took our little family out to Castle Medical Center for a tour of their birthing facility. It's a hospital I've wanted to give birth at ever since I stepped foot in it over seven years ago. My opinion of the place has only improved because of the tour.

This is how Castle compares to the last place I gave birth. The staff is super friendly because they aren't rushed. Castle only delivers 500 babies a year whereas the other place delivers up to 550 per month. The recovery room Donovan and I spent time in literally felt like a closet. But, at Castle hospital the labor and delivery room is the recovery room and it feels more like staying at the Hilton. Of course I haven't actually stayed there overnight, but I imagine it would be much more quiet since there wouldn't be as many mommies and babies hanging around. Our tour guide also assured us that birth plans are important and encouraged us to bring several copies of ours along to the birth. Most of all I love the space. It would be wonderful to stay in an uncramped room.

After touring the hospital I do have some questions that I'd like to have answered. One relates to grieving. Where Donovan was born grieving mothers can be transfered to another floor away from crying babies to recover. On the tour I was brought to tears just by seeing a newborn with her daddy. I'm not sure how I'll handle it when I've actually lost Fisher. I so hope we'll be able to take him home for a few days. If not, though, I hope the hospital would consider letting me move to another area.

Another concern I'm mulling over is a choice for Fisher's pediatrician. If we do get to take him home, we'll have to have clearance from his pediatrician first. Our pediatrician doesn't have priviledges at Castle although that doesn't really matter. There is a pediatrician I've met who does though. She's a kind woman who spoke with me over the phone after we learned Fisher had anencephaly. I'm considering asking her to be Fisher's doctor even though we already have a pediatrician for our other two boys. Other questions I have can't really be answered by doctors. I've joined an anencephaly support group of families who have gone down this road before will hopefully be able to help me along.

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